Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jan 8

Jan 8 (Fri) 10:40 PM
I think I am finally getting on a reasonable time schedule. Last night I slept for 12 hours and that is just what I needed. Today I taught actual lessons for the first time. I used a geometry lesson to get a feel for their mathematics abilities. The 7th graders couldn’t find the volume of a sphere with a string and ruler while the 9th graders did just fine. I didn’t go to my 8th grade classes because I was going to the orphanage. However, today was their talent show so it was at a different facility. It was the final cut of talents. Some kids danced, some sang and some gave performances through a speech that influenced their own lives and was a current event. I was more than impressed by all of them. The girls looked so beautiful and the boys had a ton of creativity and charisma. Most talents were traditional Nepali dances performed by young girls. However, one girl danced to a modern Nepali song and one boy actually danced to Michael Jackson. I find he was very influential in this society. When choosing characters [for a debate lesson] one student at Samata wanted to be MJ. This performance at the talent show was 100% MJ and his name has come up one or two more times. Strange…

I took a taxi for the first time today. Pemba put me on one to get to the UP office and it went fine (it was only 200 RS [or like $3]). Binita put me on a taxi home and negotiated for 350 Rs which was reasonable since it was dark and night rides cost more. However, this driver upped the price to 600 Rs when we got there. I only had 500’s and needed change so I lied and told him I only had one 500. Pemba was upset when I told him I had to pay 500 Rs to get home…now I know what to do. I am starting to get used to the traffic and don’t feel like I am going to die every trip…baby steps :)